Hackathon Project
ANT is a project I worked on with two others for a 24-hour hackathon. My team members included another computer science major and a Mechanical Engineer major. ANT is a software application that revolves around users joining or creating groups that provide user challenges. These challenges are similar to daily and weekly challenges that are intended to inspire users to try new things and get out of their comfort zone.
Our team used HTML/CSS with bootstrap for the front end and Python with flask for the back end. We also linked a database using PostrgreSQL. I contributed mostly to the front end development of the project to create the web interface. The project cycle started with ideas and planning, then proceeded with format construction, construction, development, integration, and end with showcasing prototype. With integration we had to combine the front end and back end and ensure they can communicate with each other.
This project was a great learning experience for building both a business idea and full web application. Our team worked very well together without issues and improved our skillsets. I was able to improve team skills as well as web development.